A recipe for making chili sauce – Place in a preserving kettle Two quarts of stewed tomatoes, Two cups of finely sliced onions, One cup of finely chopped green peppers, One-half cup of finely chopped sweet red peppers, One and one-half cups of vinegar, One cup of brown sugar, One and one-half tablespoons of cinnamon, Two teaspoons of cloves, One teaspoon of allspice, Two teaspoons of celery seed, Two teaspoons of mustard seed, One teaspoon of ginger, One teaspoon of mustard, Four tablespoons of salt. Stir to thoroughly mix and then cook until very thick. Cool and then rub through a fine sieve. Pour into sterilized jars and adjust the rubber and lid and seal. Process for twenty minutes in a hot water bath. Remove, cool and then store in a cool, dry place.

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